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Black OPS Brisket Rub (6oz) From Oakridge BBQ Black OPS Brisket Rub (6oz) From Oakridge BBQ Back Black OPS Brisket Rub (6oz) From Oakridge BBQ Nutritional Facts Black OPS Brisket Rub (6oz) From Oakridge BBQ What's Inside Black OPS Brisket Rub (6oz) From Oakridge BBQ What's Inside
Oakridge BBQ

Black Ops Brisket Rub


Black OPS; a phrase synonymous with secrecy and clandestine operations by our Country's most elite warriors, was the perfect name for this new rub. Cloaked in secrecy, for two years before its release, our team of elite BBQ Professionals put it to the test, winning numerous awards across the country in the process! Black OPS Brisket Rub marks the second entry in our Signature Edition series rubs. Black OPS excels on all cuts of beef, but brisket is its sweet-spot. Incredibly rich & deep flavor profile with a spicy, peppery finish that builds a serious bark.

100% All Natural, with NO MSG and nothing artificial.

100% Gluten Free.

Ingredients: Sea salt, chilies (incl. paprika & chipotle), garlic, black & white pepper, onion, raw cane sugar, coriander, ground Bolivian Fair-Trade Org coffee, Shiitake mushrooms, & other herbs and spices.

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  • Description

    Black OPS; a phrase synonymous with secrecy and clandestine operations by our Country's most elite warriors, was the perfect name for this new rub. Cloaked in secrecy, for two years before its release, our team of elite BBQ Professionals put it to the test, winning numerous awards across the country in the process! Black OPS Brisket Rub marks the second entry in our Signature Edition series rubs. Black OPS excels on all cuts of beef, but brisket is its sweet-spot. Incredibly rich & deep flavor profile with a spicy, peppery finish that builds a serious bark.

    100% All Natural, with NO MSG and nothing artificial.

    100% Gluten Free.

    Ingredients: Sea salt, chilies (incl. paprika & chipotle), garlic, black & white pepper, onion, raw cane sugar, coriander, ground Bolivian Fair-Trade Org coffee, Shiitake mushrooms, & other herbs and spices.

  • Reviews



    Black OPS is Perfect Brisket rub

    Perfect Brisket rub and not too over the top with coffee. Even non-coffee lovers able to appreciate flavor here.

    Black ops rub

    Amazing, i even make BBQ sauce using the seasoning, highly recommended it for prime rib as well.
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