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Fantes Aunt Santina's Pizza Baking Screen Top View Fantes Aunt Santina's Pizza Baking Screen Side View Fantes Aunt Santina's 12-inch Pizza Baking Screen in Use Fantes Aunt Santina's 14-Inch Pizza Baking Screen in Use
BBQ Pro Shop

Fantes Pizza Baking Screen

$7.99 - $8.99

Fantes Aunt Santina's 12-inch or 14-Inch diameter Pizza Baking Screen with open mesh design improves hot air flow to bake an extra-crispy, golden brown pizza crust in less time. Made with commercial-grade, restaurant-quality aluminum (1-millimeter); heat safe to 500-degrees Fahrenheit.

This Pizza baking screen is easy to season and maintain, durable, long lasting, cools quickly for multiple pizzas in a row; ideal for the grill to make fresh, frozen, thick, and thin pizzas. Build and bake pizza right on the screen; remove from oven with a pizza peel; slide a spatula under crust edge to loosen it from the screen and serve

Package includes complete seasoning and use instructions; do not cut on the screen; rinse in warm water without soap to maintain seasoned surface.

Full Description
  • Description

    Fantes Aunt Santina's 12-inch or 14-Inch diameter Pizza Baking Screen with open mesh design improves hot air flow to bake an extra-crispy, golden brown pizza crust in less time. Made with commercial-grade, restaurant-quality aluminum (1-millimeter); heat safe to 500-degrees Fahrenheit.

    This Pizza baking screen is easy to season and maintain, durable, long lasting, cools quickly for multiple pizzas in a row; ideal for the grill to make fresh, frozen, thick, and thin pizzas. Build and bake pizza right on the screen; remove from oven with a pizza peel; slide a spatula under crust edge to loosen it from the screen and serve

    Package includes complete seasoning and use instructions; do not cut on the screen; rinse in warm water without soap to maintain seasoned surface.

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    Current Stock:
    SKU: FBS-V

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