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Meathead's Amazing

Meathead is the barbecue whisperer, evangelist, and mythbuster who founded Meathead’s, which in its own right is the world's largest and most popular outdoor cooking website. He is now a creator of a line of seasonings and sauces that must be tried. These have been on his website for a long time and now can be delivered to your door! He has taught at Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration, at Le Cordon Bleu in Chicago, lectured at Yale and many other places, and has judged food, wine, beer, and spirits all around the world.

He is the author of “Meathead, The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling”, a New York Times Best Seller that was also named one of the “100 Best Cookbooks of All Time” by Southern Living magazine. He is also the author of three ebooks: “Ribs Made Easy”, “Barbecue Chicken Made Easy”, and “Sous Vide Que Made Easy”.

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