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Richard Fergola Sweet and Buttery Garlic Rub Combo
On Sale
Fergolicious BBQ

Richard Fergola Sweet and Buttery Garlic Rub Combo


Richard Fergola Sweet and Buttery Garlic Rub Combo replaces the old Fergolicious BBQ SPG LUV is the all purpose base that brings the LUV! As a competition BBQ competitor, Richard Fergola knows what it takes to create excellent tasting food. Savor the flavors of TRUE Kansas City BBQ by adding a little bit of Ferg to your beef, pork, chicken or seafood.

Each kit contains:

  1. Richard Fergola Sweet Rub
  2. Richard Fergola Buttery Garlic Rub
Full Description
  • Description

    Richard Fergola Sweet and Buttery Garlic Rub Combo replaces the old Fergolicious BBQ SPG LUV is the all purpose base that brings the LUV! As a competition BBQ competitor, Richard Fergola knows what it takes to create excellent tasting food. Savor the flavors of TRUE Kansas City BBQ by adding a little bit of Ferg to your beef, pork, chicken or seafood.

    Each kit contains:

    1. Richard Fergola Sweet Rub
    2. Richard Fergola Buttery Garlic Rub
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