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Melissa Cookston Bold BBQ Rub - Memphis Barbecue Company Shaker Melissa Cookston Bold BBQ Rub - Nutritional Information Melissa Cookston Bold BBQ Rub -Story Melissa Cookston Bold BBQ Rub- Memphis Barbecue Company What's Inside Melissa Cookston Old BBQ Shaker Label
Melissa Cookston

Melissa Cookston Bold BBQ Rub


Melissa Cookston Bold BBQ Rub is sugar free rub that has a robust flavor and no heat, the bold is all flavor! Melissa's Bold BBQ Rub from BBQ All Stars and her world famous Memphis Barbecue Company is a sugar free dry rub with a robust savory flavor profile minus heat. It pairs well with all other seasoning blends too!

Ingredients: Salt, Spices, Paprika, Dehydrated Garlic, Onion Powder, and less than 2% calcium silicate added to prevent caking

Full Description
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    Melissa Cookston Bold BBQ Rub is sugar free rub that has a robust flavor and no heat, the bold is all flavor! Melissa's Bold BBQ Rub from BBQ All Stars and her world famous Memphis Barbecue Company is a sugar free dry rub with a robust savory flavor profile minus heat. It pairs well with all other seasoning blends too!

    Ingredients: Salt, Spices, Paprika, Dehydrated Garlic, Onion Powder, and less than 2% calcium silicate added to prevent caking

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    UPC: 698902040691

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