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Melissa Cookston's Cherry Bomb Hot Sauce Bottle
Melissa Cookston

Melissa's Cherry Bomb Hot Sauce


Melissa Cookston's Cherry Bomb Hot Sauce is a smoky and sultry hot sauce destined to become your favorite sauce to spice up dang near anything!  Cherry Bomb Hot Sauce is naturally made with Cherry Bomb peppers, salt, and vinegar, and is delicious on eggs, tacos, pizza, chicken, or even steak!  A "warming" hot sauce not a hot sauce that will burn too much, it is a sauce that is is full of flavor

Ingredients: [COMING SOON]

Full Description
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    Melissa Cookston's Cherry Bomb Hot Sauce is a smoky and sultry hot sauce destined to become your favorite sauce to spice up dang near anything!  Cherry Bomb Hot Sauce is naturally made with Cherry Bomb peppers, salt, and vinegar, and is delicious on eggs, tacos, pizza, chicken, or even steak!  A "warming" hot sauce not a hot sauce that will burn too much, it is a sauce that is is full of flavor

    Ingredients: [COMING SOON]

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    Current Stock:
    UPC: 850011322321

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