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SpitJack 6 Inch Boning Knife and 11" Brisket Slicing Knife Stainless Steel Bundle 11" Brisket Slicing Knife Stainless Steel Details and Specifications

SpitJack 6 Inch Boning Knife and 11" Slicing Knife Stainless Steel Bundle


If you are planning to cook a brisket, you will need a couple of good knives to help prepare and serve it. Trimming the meat is a key step in getting the best results. There is a lot of fat cutting and contouring of the meat to insure even cooking and proper rendering. When the meat is done, a sharp, properly shaped knife of the right length will slice the brisket cleanly and evenly without shredding it. 

The SpitJack Brisket Trimming and Slicing Knife bundle includes both of these essential tools for creating and presenting the perfect smoked BBQ brisket.

Full Description
  • Description

    If you are planning to cook a brisket, you will need a couple of good knives to help prepare and serve it. Trimming the meat is a key step in getting the best results. There is a lot of fat cutting and contouring of the meat to insure even cooking and proper rendering. When the meat is done, a sharp, properly shaped knife of the right length will slice the brisket cleanly and evenly without shredding it. 

    The SpitJack Brisket Trimming and Slicing Knife bundle includes both of these essential tools for creating and presenting the perfect smoked BBQ brisket.

  • Reviews


    Mark W

    Excellent value

    Haven’t had the need to use yet , I had been looking at a set that cost 3-5 times as much , but for what was paid for these couldn’t go wrong, even if you didn’t use them often, they’ll be tested this holiday season .
  • Details


    Current Stock:
    SKU: KW121

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