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Flavor Anonymous Tres Hombres Pack
Flavor Anonymous

Tres Hombres Pack | Flavor Anonymous


The Tres Hombres pack is what happens when you combine The Cure, Dirty Gringo, and Cock-A-Voodoo you get the holy trinity of flavors. This is the pack as assembled by the guys at Flavor Anonymous to include the three latest releases all into one simple package.

  1. Cock-A-Voodoo - This is what happens to chicken rub when Shane sits down to create two chicken rubs, the first one becomes a beautiful rub that is all about mainstream flavors.
  2. The Cure - A pork and curing rub that makes pork special.
  3. Dirty Gringo is a slow-burning fuse of southwest flavors layered with smoky peppers combined with savory & slightly sweet elements that leads to flavor-packed meals.
Full Description
  • Description

    The Tres Hombres pack is what happens when you combine The Cure, Dirty Gringo, and Cock-A-Voodoo you get the holy trinity of flavors. This is the pack as assembled by the guys at Flavor Anonymous to include the three latest releases all into one simple package.

    1. Cock-A-Voodoo - This is what happens to chicken rub when Shane sits down to create two chicken rubs, the first one becomes a beautiful rub that is all about mainstream flavors.
    2. The Cure - A pork and curing rub that makes pork special.
    3. Dirty Gringo is a slow-burning fuse of southwest flavors layered with smoky peppers combined with savory & slightly sweet elements that leads to flavor-packed meals.
  • Reviews


    John Collins

    Cock a voodoo Chicken Wings!

    The flavor profile is outstanding, mild sweetness with a small spark of heat. Love the chicken wings with a small dusting or a heavey rub coating.
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