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Pellet Envy EAT Rubs Champions Pack
Pellet Envy EAT Barbecue

EAT Champions Kit | Pellet Envy


This is designed to allow you to sample these two amazing rubs without committing to the larger sizes, each kit contains one smaller bottle of each. Click the links for all of the FlavorGuide content and detailed listings:

Pellet Envy The Most Powerful Stuff Rub The Most Powerful Stuff Rub is what we would label as an "all-purpose" rub. The Most Powerful Stuff Rub has an array of different flavors and ingredients to make sure that the rub compliments beef, pork or chicken with room to add some of your own twists.

Pellet Envy Zero to Hero Sweet Rub Zero to Hero Sweet Rub leans to the sweeter side with just that right touch of heat. As with all great competition rubs, it starts out with a refreshing sweetness and the perfect flavor profile of heat.

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    This is designed to allow you to sample these two amazing rubs without committing to the larger sizes, each kit contains one smaller bottle of each. Click the links for all of the FlavorGuide content and detailed listings:

    Pellet Envy The Most Powerful Stuff Rub The Most Powerful Stuff Rub is what we would label as an "all-purpose" rub. The Most Powerful Stuff Rub has an array of different flavors and ingredients to make sure that the rub compliments beef, pork or chicken with room to add some of your own twists.

    Pellet Envy Zero to Hero Sweet Rub Zero to Hero Sweet Rub leans to the sweeter side with just that right touch of heat. As with all great competition rubs, it starts out with a refreshing sweetness and the perfect flavor profile of heat.

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