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Heavy Smoke Combo Bundle
Heavy Smoke

Heavy Smoke Combo Bundle


Use White Label Rub to elevate any cut of meat you desire to put it on. It is perfect for pork, ribs, chicken, turkey, and fish. Use Black Label Rub on everything from backyard steaks and burgers to championship briskets.

White Label - Heavy Smoke White Label Rub is the perfect balance of sweet, heat, and salt.  Use White Label Rub to elevate any cut of meat you desire to put it on. It is perfect for pork, ribs, chicken, turkey, and fish.
Black Label - Heavy Smoke Black Label Rub was designed for Beef with a heavier level of salt and pepper with a great back end heat.  Use Black Label Rub on everything from backyard steaks and burgers to championship briskets.
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    Use White Label Rub to elevate any cut of meat you desire to put it on. It is perfect for pork, ribs, chicken, turkey, and fish. Use Black Label Rub on everything from backyard steaks and burgers to championship briskets.

    White Label - Heavy Smoke White Label Rub is the perfect balance of sweet, heat, and salt.  Use White Label Rub to elevate any cut of meat you desire to put it on. It is perfect for pork, ribs, chicken, turkey, and fish.
    Black Label - Heavy Smoke Black Label Rub was designed for Beef with a heavier level of salt and pepper with a great back end heat.  Use Black Label Rub on everything from backyard steaks and burgers to championship briskets.
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