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HowToBBQRight's Meat Bags 4 Pack Front HowToBBQRight's Meat Bags 4 Pack Back
Killer Hogs

HowToBBQRight Meat Bags


HowToBBQRight's Meat Bags allow you to Brine, Marinade or store your meat the right way! The perfect zip top bag for marinating, brining, and injecting and will hold big briskets, large turkeys, slabs of ribs, even whole pork shoulders. Meat Bags are four(4) to a pack and are super thick with a ziptop and 166% thicker than average ziplock bags - so you don't have to worry about them breaking or bursting open.

Set of four (4) Meat Bags

  • 20"x 24"
  • Clear 4 mil
  • LDPE zip top
Full Description
  • Description

    HowToBBQRight's Meat Bags allow you to Brine, Marinade or store your meat the right way! The perfect zip top bag for marinating, brining, and injecting and will hold big briskets, large turkeys, slabs of ribs, even whole pork shoulders. Meat Bags are four(4) to a pack and are super thick with a ziptop and 166% thicker than average ziplock bags - so you don't have to worry about them breaking or bursting open.

    Set of four (4) Meat Bags

    • 20"x 24"
    • Clear 4 mil
    • LDPE zip top
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    Current Stock:
    UPC: 854019006320

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